Other Services Available
Harborough Field Surgery is supported by services that operate their services externally, these services include:
- District Nurses - services for the district nurses are referred by Harborough Field Surgery
- Community Midwives are based from Wellingborough Hub and can be contacted by calling 0300 027 2255
- Community Health Visitors are based at Rectory Road Clinic in Rushden and can be contacted by calling 0300 1111 022
- Social Prescribing Link Workers - referrals are made by Harborough Field Surgery for anyone aged between 18-64 years of age who may need encouragement or support with exercise or weight loss, returning to work, complex social needs or feeling lonely.
- IAPT - Northamptonshire NHS Talking Therapies works with people across Northamptonshire who are trying to get back on track, although they may feel stressed, low or anxious. Referrals can be made by visiting a GP or by visiting Northamptonshire NHS Talking Therapies | NHFT to complete a self referral.
- Agewell - they provide emotional and practical support to people age 65+ who have one or more long-term health conditions, enabling them to live independently in the community. Coordinators work in a task centred way, primarily with older people who are at risk of hospitalisation or becoming dependent on statutory and/or institutional care. With our support people can regain their confidence and have more control over their lives. Referrals are made through Harborough Field Surgery.
- Community Pharmacist - work with the GP practice to communicate about patients, helping to enhance patient engagement and optimised counselling.
- First Contact Physio - They can help patients with musculoskeletal issues such as back, neck and joint pain by: assessing and diagnosing issues, giving expert advice on how best to manage their conditions and referring them onto specialist services if necessary. Patients with back and joint pain, including conditions such as arthritis, will now be able to contact their local physiotherapist directly, rather than waiting to see a GP or being referred to hospital. Please contact the Reception Team at the surgery where they can refer you for this service.