1. Register
Create an account on Anima or log in using your NHS app login details
Within your account dashboard you can see the status of any request you have made, book appointments and contact the practice.
Create an account on Anima or log in using your NHS app login details
Within your account dashboard you can see the status of any request you have made, book appointments and contact the practice.
Whenever you have a health concern, you complete a request on the Anima website.
You can submit requests for a variety of medical and administrative queries.
If you want to request a GP appointment please select the option “I want help with a medical issue” or see our videos below.
This request is then reviewed the same day and an appropriate outcome is emailed to you, along with a text message.
We aim to have Anima open from 07.30-13.30 every weekday.
Occasionally we may have to close Anima early, see below for more details.
On some days, demand for a GP appointment far outweighs the safe capacity we can provide. On these days, we may have to turn anima off early because we are full. If you have an emergency in these situations, please call the reception team who will be happy to help.
Remember there are also out of hours services when we are closed, including the Enhanced Access Hub, 111 and 999.
We aim to respond to all queries the same day.
Some more routine queries may take us a few days to get back to you. You can always check the status of your query via your Anima dashboard.
Our reception team are always happy to help.
They are able to submit requests for patients who require additional support, these patients have already been identified with the practice. The reception team will then call you back to inform you of the outcome of your request.
The reception team can support and guide patients through the process to give you the confidence to submit your own requests in the future.
Submitting the online request yourself enables you to answer the questions freely and also allows the more vulnerable patients to get through quicker on the phone lines and access the support they need.
GP practices are experiencing significant strain with declining GP numbers and increasing demand. Ensuring that patients are seen by the appropriate clinician in the right place and the right time means that patient care and experience is improved, and it reduces pressure on GP practices, allowing GPs to spend their time where it is needed the most. The idea behind a total digital triage is also to avoid the “8am rush” that has become a problem for many. This approach is supported by NHS England who have advised that GP surgeries consider this approach in future.
Currently, the process of requesting medication through Anima is not the easiest way however is still available but we would encourage you to use the NHS app to request your repeat prescriptions where possible.
You can also come into the surgery to request via a medication slip at reception and posting requests through the prescription box.
No, Anima is not an app currently. It can only be accessed through the website. The Anima team are working on integration with the NHS app and we will update you when this has happened.
Once on Anima, there is the option to use your NHS app login credentials, or create your own unique Anima username and password.
The reception team can help you to save the website as an icon on your homescreen so it easily accessible.
Yes! We would encourage you to email Anima’s support team on support@animahealth.com if you have trouble using the website.
You can add dependants to your Anima account if they are registered at the same GP practice as you. Once you add someone as a dependant, you will be able to submit Anima requests on their behalf - this may be useful to submit requests for children, or elderly relatives for example. For further help and a detailed guide, please click here.
Anima Appointment System
Further Details:
We are able to offer appointments with a variety of clinicians. We have GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Treatment Area Nurses, specialist Paediatric Nurses, Mental Health Nurses, Physiotherapists at the Practice. Evening and weekend appointments are our available for Long Term Condition reviews and the extended hours service at the Wellingborough Hub off additional GP and Nurse appointments.
We use a software package (NHS England approved) called Anima. This system helps deal with patients clinical and administrative requests. For those who are able to use the internet, you will be able to submit your symptoms and wait for the Practice to respond which means no more waiting on hold to speak to someone. You will be able to track your requests as well as view your appointments, find local services that are able to help you and submit requests for sick notes.
Patients unable to access the internet or do not have access to an email can always contact the Patient Services Team via telephone. We appreciate that not everyone can use this system and our team will still be here to help you and complete the form on your behalf.
You must register with Anima and the link is on our home page and further information please refer to Dr Naomi Pawlik's video within our news page.
When using Anima there is a detailed form to be completed and it is very important that you submit as much information as possible. It does not take long to complete the form.
The team will look at the requests and action based on the patient clinical need not want. If there is a requirement to be seen immediatetly an appointment for the same day will be booked. It may be that you do not need to be seen the same day and a routine appointment will be booked. We will endeavour to book you with the clinician you saw previously to enable you to receive continuity of care thus helping you manage your problem better. Some things do not need an appointment and our team will contact you regarding next steps ie prescription collection.
There will be occassions where you are asked to go to a Pharmacy as they are able to assist, or to A&E or visit the Corby Urgent Care Centre. And when we do not have an appointments left we may ask you to contact 111.
We will respond to our patients the same day for those who have requested an appointment.
If you are offered a face to face appointment, please arrive promptly; if you are more than 5 minutes late for your appointment the clinician may not be able to see you and a new appointment request will need to be submitted.
For housebound patients we do offer home visits, however these do need to be triaged by a GP beforehand and therefore a telephone call will be required initially.
Please call the surgery at 08.00 for a call back on the same day.
Please let reception know that it is a home visit you require with a clear description of the problem.
We also have a Paramedic Home team that attend home visits for housebound patients, therefore this is why it is triaged by a telephone call so the right clinician can be sent out.
The Enhanced Access Hub is a GP led evening and weekend service that offers a range of services for patients registered at surgeries across East Northants. Appointments for these services are bookable by your own GP Practice and are offered at both Harborough Field Surgery and The Cottons Medical Centre.
These appointments are limited to a set criteria however the appointments that are offered may include:
These services are subject to change and we will update the website with these changes as soon as possible.
Telephone consultations are available with a GP or Nurse Practioner.
You may be offered a telephone consultations in the first instance dependant on your clinical need. If the appointment is booked for the morning the Clinician will contact you between 08.30 and 13.00. For afternoon appointments the Clincian will contact you between 14.30 to 18.30.
We shall contact you twice. If there is no answer you will need to submit another request via our appointment booking system to re-arrange the appointment. We cannot continually call you until we get an answer. This missed appointment will be classed as a “Did not attend” and our process in managing these will be followed.
It is advised that you keep the surgery up to date of any changes to your details.
If the doctor or nurse is going to carry out an intimate or personal examination they will explain the examination, procedure or consultation and will offer you the choice to have a chaperone present in the room during the examination or consultation.
Some clinicians may require a chaperone to be present. You can choose whether a member of staff provides the chaperone, or a person of your own choice.
If a chaperone cannot be made available at that time then another appointment will be made for you.
It is important that you and your family are able to ask questions and get answers about your health in your own language.
Harborough Field Surgery can make arrangements for an interpreter to join your GP/Nurse consultation over the telephone.
If you require a sign-language interpreter this can be arranged in person provided sufficient notice has been given.
Please advise reception when booking appointments if you require an interpreter so that these arrangements can be made on your behalf.
If you are unable to attend your appointment then there are a few options that are available to make us aware, therse are:
If you need to cancel your Hub appointment and your surgery is closed, please email northantsicb.eastnorthantspcn@nhs.net. Please note this email is only monitored Monday to Friday 18.30-20.00 and Saturday 09.00-17.00 and will only deal with cancellations.
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.
When you receive your appointment reminder via text message you can follow the link to cancel your appointment.
If you're planning to travel outside the UK you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.
Please find the link below which will give more advice and guidance on the vaccinations you may require
View the NHS Travel Vaccination Advice
At least 6 weeks before travel please complete the following document and return to reception. If you are unable to access the link then you can collect a form from reception. Travel Vaccination Form
Your Travel Vaccination Form will be assessed by the travel nurse and appointment will be made for you if necessary.
Virtually everyone who calls a GP surgery to make an appointment asks to see to a GP, but very often help will be available more quickly from other highly skilled medical professionals such as nurses or pharmacists, or from another services, including the voluntary sector, who can support people with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs.
Since January 2018 our practice has been implementing the 3 Sixty Care Partnership Navigation project in tandem with other local practices.
Receptionists from our practice have received training as care navigators, to help them to direct patients to the most appropriate source of help.
Receptionists will then be able to refer to information about other services that are available, either in the practice, other NHS providers or the wider care and support sector. In order to carry out this role the receptionists will have access to up-to-date web based information about local services in the health and care system.
If the public don’t want to answer the questions which the receptionists ask, they are not obliged to do so, however by doing so we can make sure that those people who really need to see a GP can see them as soon as possible.
The surgery has been accredited as being suitable as a training practice for trainee Doctors and Nurses.
The trainers in the practice are Dr Pawlik and Dr Umrao. Our GP registrars are with us for a few months at a time as part of their ongoing training. Video recordings of consultations are often used for training purposes and therefore you may be asked if you are willing to have your consultation videoed. You will be asked at the time you book your appointment if you consent to this. The training doctor and registrar are the only people to use the recording, it is then erased.
There are occasions when medical students or registrars may need to sit in with one of the clinicians during your appointment. You will always be informed and have the right to decline if preferred.
Please accept these trainee practioners as a valued addition to our team and consult with them as you would any other doctor/nurse in the practice.